
Tell a friend about any of Christopher Greyson’s books and win a chance to beta read captain Jack!

A Beta Reader is a person who reads a work of fiction before it is published in order to mark errors, suggest improvements and answer a few questions. You’ll also get the chance to find out what happens on Jack and Alice’s honeymoon before anyone else!

In order to enter the contest, you need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a preferred reader. If you received an email regarding this contest directly from Christopher Greyson, you’re already enrolled. If not, sign up here!

  2. Be able to read a file in Microsoft Word

  3. Be able to sign an NDA (Everyone has to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to protect me from someone leaking the book early. It’s also your promise that you won’t share any information about the book until it’s released.)

  4. Tell a friend about any of Christopher Greyson’s books!